First things first:
ALL are welcome!

Faith Lutheran Church welcomes you! We are a community of faith committed to loving and serving God by loving and serving all of God’s creation.  We live in gratitude for a rich history, in joyful engagement with our current mission, and in great anticipation of all that is to come.  Just as God’s house has many rooms, we aim to make room for people of all ages, races, orientations, and social and economic situations, welcoming all into the freely give grace of God through Jesus Christ.  Come join us as we worship, rejoice, confess, receive forgiveness, serve and discern where God is calling us to mission in the world.

– Pastor Heidi Johnston

After that, here’s a play-by-play of what you can expect on your first visit:

Arrive at Faith

We're located at 201 Granite Street in Quincy, MA. Whether you're joining us for our 8am casual service or our 10am traditional service, we recommend arriving about 10 minutes early.

Find a Spot

Off-street parking is available in the lot adjacent to the church building.

Be Welcomed

From the parking lot, follow the red path to the sanctuary entrance. Our greeters will welcome you, answer any questions you have, and provide you with a worship bulletin.

Grab a Seat & Enjoy Worship

Find a place in the pews you feel most comfortable and grab a seat. If you've never been to church before - that's okay! Your worship bulletin will tell you everything you need to know.

Get Connected

After each worship service, Faith offers an hour of coffee and conversation in our fellowship hall. Stick around after worship and see what the our community is really like!

And here are the answers to frequently asked questions about worship at Faith:

What are your worship services like?

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What should I wear?

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Can I take communion?

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What about my kids?

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Have a question we didn't answer?

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